Jazz Hands

Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands!

jazz_hands is an opinionated set of console-related gems and a bit of glue:

  • Pry for a powerful shell alternative to IRB.
  • Awesome Print for stylish pretty print.
  • Hirb for tabular collection output.
  • Pry Doc to browse Ruby source, including C, directly from the console.
  • Pry Git to teach the console about git. Diffs, blames, and commits on methods and classes, not just files.
  • Pry Remote to connect remotely to a Pry console.
  • Pry Nav to turn the console into a simple debugger. Ruby 1.9.3 recommended
  • Coolline and Coderay for syntax highlighting as you type. Optional. Ruby 1.9.3 only


Ruby 1.9.2+, Rails 3+ only. Add to your project Gemfile:

group :development, :test do
  gem 'jazz_hands'

That's it. Run rails console as usual.

Hirb isn't enabled by default. To use, run Hirb.enable in the console.

For performance, pry-nav is only enabled on 1.9.3 by default. To manually enable for 1.9.2, add JazzHands.enable_pry_nav to an initializer.

Syntax highlighting as you type via Coolline and Coderay is disabled by default due to slightly buggy behavior. To enable, add JazzHands.enable_syntax_highlighting_as_you_type to an initializer. Only works with 1.9.3.


Patches and bug reports are welcome. Just send a pull request or file an issue. Project changelog.