
This gem contains a simple sinatra-based web application for MaxMind's GeoIP service lookup.


First, install jaeheego.

$ gem install jaeheegeo

Then run the command below to install geoip data:

$ sudo install_geoip


To run the application, just run:

$ jaeheegeo start

It will run the sinatra application on thin. So you can provide additional parameters like -p or -d. Default port is 4009.

While the application is running, try these:

$ curl http://localhost:4009/geoip/
$ curl http://localhost:4009/geoip/klassmate.com

The output is like this:

{"country":"US","county":"CA","city":"San Francisco","lat":37.769699,"lng":-122.393303,"version":"GeoIP City Edition"}

JSONP is also supported for cross domain request. Just pass callback parameter additionally.