Jabber Delivery

This gem adds a method to ActionMailer which enables sending messages right to jabber.

Rails Setup

First add the gem to your Gemfile and run the bundle command to install it.

ruby gem "jabber_delivery"

Then, create file config/jabber_delivery.yml and put there jabber credentials you’re going to use:

yaml jid: [email protected] password: here_goes_your_password

Now I can do in devise resource:

ruby def headers_for(action) { :to => address, # Got address from email field with format {email|jabber}:(address here) :delivery_method => delivery_method # Depending on prefix, use :smtp or :jabber_delivery (just for example) } end

Hope it will help.

Project Status

Most of project’s structure is imported from letter_opener gem and for now it’s not so serious.

Development & Feedback

Special thanks to the letter_opener gem for inspiring this project.