ISC Analytics Build Status

A simple client-side & server-side analytics library for Rails. It currently supports only KISSmetrics for more advanced analytics features (trackEvent / setProperties) and Google Analytics just for tracking pageviews.


Just add the isc_analytics gem into your Gemfile

gem 'isc_analytics'

Then add an initializer file in your config/initializers directory containing the initial config of your analytics.


ISC Analytics currently supports the following configuration options:

IscAnalytics.config.providers = ANALYTIC_PROVIDERS # a providers object (preferably using ConfigReader)
IscAnalytics.config.namespace = 'App' # an alias which will gain all the analytics behaviour in the clientside.

We highly recommend you to use our other gem ConfigReader to load the analytics_providers data from YML.

The providers hash / EnvConfigReader should contain the following sub keys:

  key: "KEY"
  dryrun: false # see for more details
  key: "KEY"
  key: "KEY"
  key: "KEY"

Currently only the KISSMetrics and Google Analytics keys are mandatory although the gem isn't fully tested without the ipinfodb and optimizely options.


The basic way to use isc_analytics is to simply follow the Getting Started step, which will guide you on how to enable simple visitor tracking in KISSmetrics and Google Analytics

If you need more, there's a client-side & server-side tracking analytics API. (Enabled just for KISSmetrics)

Getting Started

After you've finished configuring isc_analytics, do the following in order to include it in your app:


Add the following line inside your ApplicationController:

include IscAnalytics::ControllerSupport

This will enable you to use the Analytics object from your controllers and views.

Application Layout

Add the following line to your main application layout, under the HTML head tag.

<%= add_analytics %>

This will embed all the needed HTML for the analytics to run (including the code for all the required services).

Client Side

Once you've included isc_analytics as we've explained above, you will have access to the following client-side API:

Analytics.trackEvent(<event name>, [<properties_hash>]);
Analytics.setProperty(<property_key>, <property_value>);
Analytics.identify(<identity>, [<properties_hash>]);


If you've configured a Namespace in the initializer, then we'll automatically alias all the functions to the Namespace of your choice for easy access. For example if I set my namespace as App then I'll be able to access the trackEvent function from App.trackEvent

Server Side

All the client side event tracking is available from the server side as well. Once you've included isc_analytics you can access the analytics object which will have methods identical to the client-side analytics methods. For example you can call analytics.trackEvent('user-visit') and it will be persisted in the current user session and flushed into the user's browser next time he visits a page (via add_analytics). This mechanism is similar in behaviour to Rails' flash object.

There is also support for purely server-side analytics (currently only for KISSMetrics) that send the data directly to KM, without going through the user's browser. It is accessible through IscAnalytics.server with the following interface:

IscAnalytics.server.track_event(identity, name, properties={})
IscAnalytics.server.set_properties(identity, properties)
IscAnalytics.server.alias(identity, new_identity)

Opt out

One very cool feature isc_analytics has is a built in opt_out feature to be used when testing the system or when doing admin actions. To enter opt_out for the current browsing session just call analytics.opt_out! from the controller. Once opt-ted out, a dummy implementation of the analytics js will be sent to the client meaning that no calls will actually be sent to the analytics service.


KISSMetrics URL api

After including IscAnalytics::ControllerSupport into your controller, you can override the KISSMetrics URL api by adding before_filter keep_km_url_event to your controller. This records the url events manually as soon as the request comes in and allows you to use redirect_to without worrying about losing analytics data. If you intend to use this, you should disable the URL api in your kissmetrics settings in order to avoid duplicate events.