
isbnify API Documentation

hyphenate, verify and create ISBN13 numbers


  • creates valid ISBN13 fake numbers, allready hyphinated
  • check ISBN13 validity of a given number
  • hyphinate valid ISBN13 number


Include Isbnify into your controller and use the helper actions or call object Isbnify::ISBN class actions.


create_isbn or Isbnify::ISBN.create_isbn

Returns a random, yet valid fake ISBN allready hyphinated.

hyphinate_isbn(String) or Isbnify::ISBN.hyphinate_isbn(String)

Returns hyphinated ISBN or error message as String.

valid_isbn?(String) or Isbnify::ISBN.valid_isbn?(String)

Returns true or false, whether a given ISBN is valid or not. It can be passed as hyphinated ISBN or not.

Useable method calls

class ApplicationController < ActionController
  include Isbnify

  def some_method
    hyphinate_isbn("9783404166695")               # returns "978-3-404-16669-5"
    Isbnify::ISBN.hyphinate_isbn("9783404166695") # returns "978-3-404-16669-5"

  def some_other_method
    valid_isbn?("9783404166695")                  # returns true
    Isbnify::ISBN.valid_isbn?("9783404166695")    # returns true

  def some_last_method
    create_isbn                       # returns random well-formed isbn number
    Isbnify::ISBN.create_isbn         # returns random well-formed isbn number


Ruby Versions

This gem was developed and tested with versions 1.9.3 and 2.0.0


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Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 Christoph Seydel. See LICENSE for further details.