iruby-chartkick Build Status

You like writing Ruby within Juypter notebooks? Awesome, you're not alone - we do so, too ☀️ Since we also fell in love with the handy charting API of ankane/chartkick, we wrote this little gem bringing them together.

iruby-chartkick was made for easy plug-n-play plotting data using the awesomeness of chartkick within IRuby-backed Jupyter notebooks.


gem install iruby-chartkick


You can either include the module IRuby::Chartkick and use the wrapper methods, like line_chart:

include IRuby::Chartkick

data = {
  2019 => 1,
  2020 => 122,
  2021 => 34


Or you use the chart wrapper classes directly:

include IRuby::Chartkick

data = {
  2019 => 1,
  2020 => 122,
  2021 => 34


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