Invisible Captcha

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Simple and flexible spam protection solution for Rails applications. Based on the honeypot strategy to provide a better user experience.


The strategy is based on adding an input field into the form that:

  • shouldn't be visible by the real users
  • should be left empty by the real users
  • will most be filled by spam bots


Add this line to you Gemfile:

gem 'invisible_captcha'

Or install the gem manually:

$ gem install invisible_captcha


There are different ways to implement, at Controller level or Model level:

Controller style

View code:

<%= form_tag(create_topic_path) do |f| %>
  <%= invisible_captcha %>
<% end %>

Controller code:

class TopicsController < ApplicationController
  invisible_captcha only: [:create, :update]

This method will act as a before_filter that triggers when spam is detected (honeypot field has some value). By default it responds with no content (only headers: head(200)). But you are able to define your own callback by passing a method to the on_spam option:

invisible_captcha only: [:create, :update], on_spam: :your_on_spam_callback_method


def your_on_spam_callback_method
  redirect_to root_path

Check here a complete list of allowed options.

Controller style (resource oriented):

In your form:

<%= form_for(@topic) do |f| %>
  <%= f.invisible_captcha :subtitle %>
  <!-- or -->
  <%= invisible_captcha :subtitle, :topic %>
<% end %>

In your controller:

invisible_captcha only: [:create, :update], honeypot: :subtitle

Model style

View code:

<%= form_for(@topic) do |f| %>
  <%= f.invisible_captcha :subtitle %>
<% end %>

Model code:

class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessor :subtitle # define a virtual attribute, the honeypot
  validates :subtitle, :invisible_captcha => true

If you are using strong_parameters (by default in Rails 4), don't forget to keep the honeypot attribute into the params hash:

def topic_params

Options and customization

This section contains a description of all plugin options and customizations.

Plugin options:

You can customize:

  • sentence_for_humans: text for real users if input field was visible.
  • error_message: error message thrown by model validation (only model implementation).
  • honeypots: collection of default honeypots, used by the view helper, called with no args, to generate the honeypot field name
  • visual_honeypots: make honeypots visible, also useful to test/debug your implementation.

To change these defaults, add the following to an initializer (recommended config/initializers/invisible_captcha.rb):

InvisibleCaptcha.setup do |config|
  config.sentence_for_humans = 'If you are a human, ignore this field'
  config.error_message       = 'You are a robot!'
  config.honeypots          += 'fake_resource_title'
  config.visual_honeypots    = false

Controller method options:

The invisible_captcha method accepts some options:

  • only: apply to given controller actions.
  • except: exclude to given controller actions.
  • honeypot: name of honeypot.
  • scope: name of scope, ie: 'topic[subtitle]' -> 'topic' is the scope.
  • on_spam: custom callback to be called on spam detection.

View helpers options:

Using the view/form helper you can override some defaults for the given instance. Actually, it allows to change: sentence_for_humans and visual_honeypots.

<%= form_for(@topic) do |f| %>
  <%= f.invisible_captcha :subtitle, visual_honeypots: true, sentence_for_humans: "Ei, don't fill on this input!" %>
  <!-- or -->
  <%= invisible_captcha visual_honeypots: true, sentence_for_humans: "Ei, don't fill on this input!" %>
<% end %>


Any kind of idea, feedback or bug report are welcome! Open an issue or send a pull request.


Clone/fork this repository and start to hack.

Run test suite:

$ rspec

Start a sample Rails app (source code) with InvisibleCaptcha integrated:

$ rake web # PORT=4000 (default: 3000)


Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Marc Anguera. Invisible Captcha is released under the MIT License.