Instrumental Tools

A collection of scripts useful in monitoring servers and services with Instrumental (


Use to monitor server activity by collecting information on CPU and memory usage, disk IO, filesystem usage, etc. Execute with:

instrument_server -k <API_KEY>

The API key can also be provided by setting the INSTRUMENTAL_TOKEN environment variable, which eliminates the need to supply the key via command line option.

NOTE for Mac OS users: Due to a bug in Ruby, instrument_server can occasionally deadlock (bug report).


Output text graphs of the different metrics in your project.

See all options with: instrumental --help


Collect statistics on commit counts in a given git repo. Execute in the repo directory with:

gitstrumental [API_KEY]

Capistrano Integration

Add require "instrumental_tools/capistrano" to your capistrano configuration and instrument_server will be restarted after your deploy is finished. Additionally, you will need to add a new variable to your capistrano file.

set :instrumental_key, "API_KEY"

The following configuration will be added:

after "deploy", "instrumental:restart_instrument_server"
after "deploy:migrations", "instrumental:restart_instrument_server"

By default, this will attempt to restart the instrument_server command on all the servers specified in your configuration. If you need to limit the servers on which you restart the server, you can do something like this in your capistrano configuration:

namespaces[:instrumental].tasks[:restart_instrument_server].options[:roles] = [:web, :worker]