
This gem handles creating, updating and destroying Nuntium and Verboice channels in your Rails application.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'instedd-pigeon', :require => 'pigeon'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Create an initializer to configure Pigeon (eg. config/initializers/pigeon.rb):

Pigeon.setup do |config|
    config.application_name = 'My application'

    config.nuntium_host = 'http://nuntium.instedd.org'
    config. = 'nuntium_account'
    config.nuntium_app = 'nuntium_application'
    config.nuntium_app_password = 'password'

    config.verboice_host = 'http://verboice.instedd.org'
    config. = '[email protected]'
    config.verboice_password = 'password'
    config.verboice_default_call_flow = 'Default Call Flow'

    # If you want to support Nuntium Twitter channels, get your Twitter
    # consumer keys from https://dev.twitter.com/apps
    config.twitter_consumer_key = 'CONSUMER_KEY'
    config.twitter_consumer_secret = 'CONSUMER_SECRET'

Add Pigeon assets to your application, for example by adding to app/assets/javascripts/application.js the line

//= require pigeon

and to app/assets/stylesheets/application.css

*= require pigeon

If you need to support Nuntium Twitter channels, mount the Pigeon engine by adding to your routes.rb

mount Pigeon::Engine => '/pigeon'

It is strongly advised to filter the engine's request through authentication. If your application uses Devise, you can easily do it by mounting the engine with authenticate:

authenticate :user do
    mount Pigeon::Engine => '/pigeon'

Once properly configured, the gem provides a couple of classes Pigeon::NuntiumChannel and Pigeon::VerboiceChannel to manipulate channels which act as ActiveModels and provide a similar API to ActiveResource.

Pigeon channels should have a kind linking them to schemas which provide information about the specific attributes required to configure each channel type. The class methods schemas and find_schema provide access to all known schemas.

Sample interaction session:

> c = Pigeon::NuntiumChannel.new name: 'foo', kind: 'pop3'
=> #<Pigeon::NuntiumChannel:0xa45938c>
> c.schema.kind
=> "pop3"
> c.attributes
=> {"protocol"=>"mailto", "priority"=>100, "enabled"=>true, "direction"=>"bidirectional", "configuration"=>{}, "name"=>"foo", "kind"=>"pop3"}
> c.schema.user_attributes
=> ["configuration[host]", "configuration[port]", "configuration[user]", "configuration[password]", "configuration[use_ssl]", "configuration[remove_quoted_text_or_text_after_first_empty_line]"]
> c.configuration[:host] = 'example.com'
=> "example.com"
> c.assign_attributes('configuration[user]' => 'foo', 'configuration[password]' => 'bar')
=> {"configuration[user]"=>"foo", "configuration[password]"=>"bar"}
> c.save
=> false
> c.errors.full_messages
=> ["port is not a number"]
> c.write_attribute('configuration[port]', 110)
=> 110
> c.new_record?
=> true
> c.save
=> true
> Pigeon::NuntiumChannel.list
=> ["foo"]
> c = Pigeon::NuntiumChannel.find('foo')
=> #<Pigeon::NuntiumChannel:0xb027708>
> c.kind
=> "pop3"
> c.new_record?
=> false
> c.destroy
=> true
> c.destroyed?
=> true

The gem also provides helpers to aid in the rendering of the channel's configuration form. The most important ones are pigeon_nuntium_channel_kinds_for_select and pigeon_verboice_channel_kinds_for_select to use as options generators for the select_tag Rails helper, and pigeon_render_channel which will render the fields required for a user to configure the given channel.

For example, in the view:

<%= form_tag('/channels') do %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag :name, @channel.name %>
    <%= pigeon_render_channel @channel %>
<%= end %>

Then in the controller:

def update
    @channel = Pigeon::NuntiumChannel.find(params[:name])
    redirect_to channels_path


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request