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This project is aimed on creation ruby-powered monitoring solution with simple web interface.


Standalone install:

Running check:
monitor -d sqlite3://`pwd`/sqlite_database.db
Running web server:
monitor_web -d sqlite3://`pwd`/sqlite_database.db

Mounting to rails app:

Add to gemfile:
gem 'data_mapper'
gem 'dm-redis-adapter'
gem 'inquisitor', :git => 'git://'
Create initializer:
require 'inquisitor/web'
Inquisitor.settings.set :db_path => {:adapter  => "redis"}
Add to routes:
mount, :at => "/inquisitor"

Development web server



Databases supported

It should work with all databases supported by datamapper. Tested with postgresql, mysql, redis and sqlite. Format for db_path can be found in datamapper doc - "Specify your database connection".

Cli options:

You can read availible options from lib/inquisitor/cli.rb . Same options are supported by standalone install

Supported types of monitoring:

outpost gem is used as backend for monitoring. For now, http:// and ping:// checks are supported.

Copyright (c) 2011 @brain-geek. See LICENSE for details.