
At the current time input_calendar is optimized for calendars that stay in place and are used in place (how I usually prefer a calendar in apps). No reason it couldn't be enhanced to hide/show dynamically and support visible date fields.

Interesting in patches to make it more configurable as long as it stays simple and elegant.

Here is what it looks like with the default CSS:

sample of input_calendar_

How to use

In your view:

<% form_for @event do |f| %>
  <%= f.hidden_field :date, :class => "calendar" %>
  <%= javascript_tag "Calendar.attach('event_date', {class: 'mycustomcssclass'})" %>
<% end %>

Or avoid the inline JS with some jQuery (coffeescript) somewhere:

$(document).ready -> 
  $("input.calendar").each (i, o) -> 

Options you can pass attach

  • class - custom CSS class (or multiple classes)
  • onchange - function that is called each time a date is selected
  • footer - underscore.js style template string for the footer
    • Supports: month (full name), day, year, day_of_week (full name)

Example of using footer:

Calendar.attach("event_date", {footer: "<strong>Due by:</strong> <%= month %> <%= day %>, <%= year %>"})



Requires jQuery and underscore.js.

Rails 3.1

You'll need to add input_calendar to your Gemfile and then the asset pipeline will see that the appropriate JS and CSS files are included in your app.

Add to your Gemfile:

gem "input_calendar"

And install:

bundle install

Rails 3.0 (using Bundler)

A rake task is included to copy the JS and CSS files into your public folder.

Add to your Gemfile:

gem "input_calendar"

Then copy the files locally:

bundle install
bundle exec rake input_calendar:copy_files

Should give you:

create  public/javascripts/input_calendar.js
create  public/stylesheets/input_calendar.css

Rails 2.x

TODO: Add directions here.