Class: Crm::EventContact


A JustRelate WebCRM event contact is a participant or a potential participant of an Event.

Method Summary

Methods included from Core::Mixins::Findable::ClassMethods


Methods included from Core::Mixins::Modifiable::ClassMethods


Methods included from Core::Mixins::Searchable::ClassMethods

all, first, query, search_configurator, where, where_not

Methods included from Core::Mixins::Inspectable


Methods included from Core::Mixins::ChangeLoggable


Methods included from Core::Mixins::Modifiable

#delete, #update

Methods inherited from Core::BasicResource

base_type, #eql?, #id, path, #path, #reload, resource_name, #type

Methods included from Core::Mixins::AttributeProvider

#[], #attributes, #initialize, #method_missing, #methods, #raw, #respond_to_missing?

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Crm::Core::Mixins::AttributeProvider