Class: IncomeTax::Countries::Pitcairn

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There is no taxation on Pitcairn, instead all able-bodied men and women undertake civil obligations when needed, generally consisting of manning the longboats to retrieve any arriving cargo and passengers from the supply ship.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Models::Generic

#gross_income, #net_income, #options, #rate, #taxes

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Models::FixedRate

#calculate, rate

Methods inherited from Models::Generic

#based_on?, #cast_value, #cast_values, currency, #initialize, #inspect, lazy, #location_name, method_added, name, names, new, other_names, register, register_on, #set_default_options, #setup, #validate, wants_options

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from IncomeTax::Models::Generic