
Code Climate

This are our configuration files for scss_lint, Rubocop and ESLint. If you want to work on project's together with ikusei, please take the time to set up your environment to use these configuration files.

If you download them, please make sure, to rename them and put a leading . in their names.

eslintrc => .eslintrc
rubocop.yml => .rubocop.yml
scss-lint.yml => .sccs-lint.yml

Usage in Rails

Add the gem to your Gemfile

   gem "ikusei_linters"

Run the rake task

   bundle exec rake ikusei:lint

Each linter has a own task, so the following works, too:

   bundle exec rake ikusei:rubocop
   bundle exec rake ikusei:eslint
   bundle exec rake ikusei:scss_lint