Ignored Columns Tasks

Rails tasks for managing Active Record ignored columns.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile in the :development group:

group :development do
  gem "ignored_columns_tasks"


All functionality is provided as Rake tasks.

Generating a Migration to Drop Ignored Columns

This will generate (but not run!) migrations to drop columns currently being ignored. One migration is generated per model:

./bin/rails ignored_columns:migration

If you have ignored columns that must not be dropped add them to the SKIP_COLUMNS environment variable:

./bin/rails ignored_columns:migration SKIP_COLUMNS="some_column,another_column"

You can set this once for your project instead of specifying it every time. In this case it is recommended to use the IGNORED_COLUMNS_TASKS_SKIP_COLUMNS environment variable:

export IGNORED_COLUMNS_TASKS_SKIP_COLUMNS="some_column,another_column"

This task can also be limited to a single model by setting the MODEL environment variable:

./bin/rails ignored_columns:migration MODEL=User

Strong Migrations

If your project uses Strong Migrations the remove_column call will be wrapped in a safety_assured block.

Ignored Columns That Have Been Dropped From Your Database

This will print ignored columns that no longer exist the database:

./bin/rails ignored_columns:dropped

This can be limited to a single model via the MODEL environment variable:

./bin/rails ignored_columns:dropped MODEL=User


Skye Shaw (skye.shaw +AT+ gmail)


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.