
Get easy access to any public ICheckMovies list.

How to use

Find by url

require "icheckmovies"
result = ICheckMovies.fetch("http://www.icheckmovies.com/list/the+best+1000+movies+ever+made/")

result.movies.count # => 1002
result.movies.first.title # => À nous la liberté

Data to work with


  • name (String) List name.
  • url (String) Full URL to the given list.
  • movies (Array< Movie >) A list of movies.

A movie object

The movies method returns a list of movies.

  • id (String) IMDb movie id.
  • imdb_link (String) IMDb link.
  • title (String) Movie title.
  • year (Fixnum) Release year.
  • details (String) Url to ICheckMovies detail page.

How do install

[sudo] gem install icheckmovies


ICheckMovies is tested in OS X 10.7.1 using Ruby 1.9.2.


ICheckMovies is released under the MIT license.