Project ichannel
Homepage https://github.com/robgleeson/ichannel
Documentation http://rubydoc.info/github/robgleeson/ichannel/frames
CI Build Status
Author Robert Gleeson


ichannel is a channel for interprocess communication between ruby processes on the same machine or network. The basic premise is that you can “put” a ruby object onto the channel and on the other end(maybe in a different process, or maybe on a different machine) you can “get” the object from the channel.

The two main modes of transport are a UNIXSocket and redis. A (unbound) unix socket is local to one machine but it can act as a queue, it has no external dependencies, & it shares the same interface as its redis counterpart. A redis channel can do all of the above but also expand its reach beyond one machine by sending and receiving messages from other channels running on different machines.

A channel depends on a serializer when reading and writing from the underlying transport(i.e: redis or a unix socket) but the choice of serializer is up to you. The default is set to be Marshal but a serializer can be any object that implements dump and load. A few off the top of my head would be JSON, YAML, or MessagePack(with a wrapper, see examples).



A demo of how to pass ruby objects through a channel and also between processes.
Marshal is the serializer of choice, and a streamed UNIXSocket is mode of transport:

ruby channel = IChannel.unix Marshal pid = fork do channel.put Process.pid channel.put 'Hello!' end Process.wait pid channel.get # => Fixnum channel.get # => 'Hello!'


Knowing when a channel is readable can be useful so that you can avoid a blocking read on the underlying UNIXSocket. This (bad) example demonstrates how to do that:

ruby channel = IChannel.unix Marshal pid = fork do sleep 3 channel.put 42 end until channel.readable? # do something else end channel.get # => 42 Process.wait pid


A demo of a channel sending messages between machines by using redis as a backend:

```ruby channel = IChannel.redis Marshal, key: “readme-example” channel.put %w(a)

In another process, on another machine, far away…

channel = IChannel.redis Marshal, key: “readme-example” channel.get # => [“a”] ```


MessagePack doesn’t implement dump or load but a wrapper can be easily written:

```ruby module MyMessagePack def self.dump(msg) MessagePack.pack(msg) end

def self.load(msg) MessagePack.unpack(msg) end end channel = IChannel.unix MyMessagePack ```



  • CRuby (1.9+)
  • Rubinius (1.9+)
  • JRuby (1.9+ - some tests skipped)
    JRuby is supported and passes the test suite but it has a few skips. Three skips are because jruby does not implement Kernel.fork and one looks like a possible bug in JRuby’s Marshal when trying to deserialize a channel that uses a unix socket. The other 24 tests pass on jruby, & those tests cover both unix sockets & redis.


  • Any 1.8 implementation
  • MacRuby


If you plan on using redis you’ll need to install the ‘redis’ gem. It’s optional:

$ gem install redis

And to finish:

$ gem install ichannel


  • ifuture
    futures built on process forks and ichannel.