✓ (pronounced checkmark or “U+2713”) is three things:

  • Yet another Ruby test library because, you know, the world needs more Ruby testing libraries
  • An experiment to test how deep the usual Ruby stack (Ruby itself, Rubygems, Bundler) and the related ecosystem (file systems, shells, editors, version control systems) embrace Unicode
  • A stupid thing you could but probably should not try at home. No ☃s were damaged while doing it though


First, add it to your project, either the classic way:

$ gem install ✓

Or, much better, if you use Bundler, add it to your Gemfile:

gem ''

Then, create the directory to store your ✓ powered tests in it:

$ mkdir ✓
$ touch ✓/some_tests.✓

Test are written this way:

require ''

   { 1 + 1 == 2 }
   { 'wadus'.upcase == 'WADUS' }

   { "something".nil? }

   { something_not_implemented_still }

And run in this not-very-surprising way:

$ rake ✓

[sample output]