
Shared examples and smoke tests for Hyrax applications.

FactoryBot Build Strategies for Hyrax

If your test suite uses FactoryBot (formerly FactoryGirl) to create test objects, Hyrax::Spec provides useful custom build strategies that may simplify the setup phase of your tests. To register the build stratgies add the following to your test helper (usually spec/rails_helper.rb):

# spec/rails_helper.rb

require 'hyrax/spec/factory_bot/build_strategies'


The ActorCreate strategy builds an object and passes it to the Hyrax Actor Stack to be processed. In a normal RSpec Rails environment, this will enqueue (but not perform) several background jobs (charactarization, derivatives, etc...). The specific actor middleware called is Hyrax::CurationConcern.actor.

This strategy is registered by default as actor_create. You can use it with an existing factory, which must define user as a transient attribute.

# factories/my_works.rb
FactoryBot.define do
  factory(:my_work) do
    title ['Comet in Moominland']

    transient do
      user { FactoryBot.create(:user) }

# my_work_spec.rb
RSpec.describe MyWork do
  subject(:my_work) { FactoryBot.actor_create(:my_work) }

  it { is_expected.to have_attributes(date_uploaded: an_instance_of(DateTime)) }


Hyrax::Spec is available under the Apache 2.0 license.