
Hyphy is a toolkit for identifying SQL bottlenecks in Ruby applications. Given an adapter for an ORM and a Ruby block, Hyphy collects all executed queries in a dataset. Afterward, it can filter the dataset and even benchmark the queries. At NationBuilder, we use this gem to conduct performance regression tests.

Supported ORMs

Hyphy only comes with out of the box support for ActiveRecord. Adding a new ORM should be easy, however.

Creating datasets

You can create a new dataset by initializing a Sampler object.

require 'hyphy'
sampler = Hyphy::Sampler.new(:orm => :active_record)

Sampling queries

Once we've created our Sampler object, it is very easy to start collecting data. Simply enclose the application code that you need profiled in a block and pass it to the profile method. Example:

sampler.profile do
  # Application code goes here

Filtering queries

Hyphy comes with a few filters that fit common use cases. Here is how they can be used:

# Only keep SQL 'select' queries
sampler.apply_filter(Hyphy::Filters::SQLFilter, :type => :select)

# Only keep queries that had a running time r such that .01 < r < .05
                     :duration_min => 0.01,
                     :duration_max => 0.05)

# Keep the top 10 results
                     :limit => 10)

# Benchmark each query with 10 runs (this saves the benchmark information)
sampler.apply_filter(Hyphy::Filters::BenchmarkFilter, :runs => 10)

# Using the benchmark information, keep queries that fit the
# duration requirements.
                     :benchmark => true,
                     :duration_min => 0.01,
                     :duration_max => 0.05))

Accessing data

To form reports using the data that remains after filtering, we use the SQLStatement objects in sampler.dataset.

sql_statement = sampler.dataset.first

"Select * from users"


["/src/application/app/models/model.rb:24:in `make_query'"]



Contributing to Hyphy

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Hyphy has 100% test coverage; keep it that way.

Copyright (c) 2013 David Huie. See LICENSE.txt for further details.