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TODO There is no functional change. Config stuff goes in hyper-operation readme. AR interface stuff goes in hyper-model policies you have to think about... probably a seperate doc that both refer to, maybe with sections that say "Active Record only" or something like that."

In Hyperloop, your ActiveRecord Models are available in your Isomorphic code.

Components, Operations, and Stores have CRUD access to your server side ActiveRecord Models, using the standard ActiveRecord API.

In addition, Hyperloop implements push notifications (via a number of possible technologies) so changes to records on the server are dynamically pushed to all authorized clients.

It's Isomorphic Ruby in action.

In other words, one browser creates, updates, or destroys a Model, and the changes are persisted in ActiveRecord models and then broadcast to all other authorized clients.


  • The hyper-model gem provides ActiveRecord Models to Hyperloop's Isomorphic architecture.
  • You access your Model data in your Components, Operations, and Stores just like you would on the server or in an ERB or HAML view file.
  • If an optional push transport is connected Hyperloop broadcasts any changes made to your ActiveRecord models as they are persisted on the server or updated by one of the authorized clients.
  • Some Models can be designated as server-only which means they are not available to the Isomorphic code.

For example, consider a simple model called Dictionary which might be part of Wiktionary type app.

class Dictionary < ActiveRecord::Base

  # attributes
  #   word: string   
  #   definition: text
  #   pronunciation: string

  scope :defined, -> { 'definition IS NOT NULL AND pronunciation IS NOT NULL' }

Here is a very simple Hyperloop Component that shows a random word from the dictionary:

class WordOfTheDay < Hyperloop::Component

  def pick_entry!  
    # pick a random word and assign the selected record to entry
    @entry = Dictionary.defined.all[rand(Dictionary.defined.count)]
    force_update! # redraw our component when the word changes
    # Notice that we use standard ActiveRecord constructs to select our
    # random entry value

  # pick an initial entry before we mount our component...
  before_mount :pick_entry

  # Again in our render block we use the standard ActiveRecord API, such
  # as the 'defined' scope, and the 'word', 'pronunciation', and
  # 'definition' attribute getters.  
  render(DIV) do
    DIV { "total definitions: #{Dictionary.defined.count}" }
    DIV do
      DIV { @entry.word }
      DIV { @entry.pronunciation }
      DIV { @entry.definition }
      BUTTON { 'pick another' }.on(:click) { pick_entry! }

For complete examples with push updates, see any of the apps in the examples directory, or build your own in 5 minutes following one of the quickstart guides:

TODO links below

Basic Installation and Setup

The easiest way to install is to use the hyper-rails gem.

TODO check install uses --hyper-model

  1. Add gem 'hyper-rails' to your Rails Gemfile development section.
  2. Install the Gem: bundle install
  3. Run the generator: bundle exec rails g hyperloop:install --hyper-model (or use --all to install all hyperloop gems)
  4. Update the bundle: bundle update

TODO check validity and ensure generator does this move

You will find a hyperloop/models folder has been added to the Rails. To access a model on the client, move it into the hyperloop/models folder. If you are on Rails 5, you will also need to move the application_record.rb into this folder.

You will also find an app/policies folder with a simple access policy suited for development. Policies are how you will provide detailed access control to your Isomorphic models. More details here.

TODO fix link above

To summarize:

  • Your Isomorphic Models are moved to hyperloop/models. These are accessible to your Components, Operations, and Stores from either the server or the client.
  • If you need to have server-only Models, they remain in app/models. These models are not accessible to your Isomorphic code.

Setting up the Push Transport

To have changes to your Models on the server broadcast to authorized clients, add a Hyperloop initializer file and specify a transport. For example to setup a simple polled transport add this file:

TODO check below

# config/initializers/hyperloop.rb
Hyperloop.configuration do |config|
  config.transport = :simple_poller

After restarting, and reloading your browsers you will see changes broadcast to the clients. You can also play with this by firing up a rails console, and creating, changing or destroying Models at the console.

For setting up the other possible transports following one of these guides:

TODO fix links below

Advanced Configuration

TODO fix links below

The above guides will work in most cases, but for complete details on configuration settings go here

ActiveRecord API

Hyperloop uses a large subset of the ActiveRecord API, modified only when necessary to accommodate the asynchronous nature of the client. You can access your ActiveRecord models just like you would in Models, Controllers, or in ERB or HAML view templates.

TODO fix links below

See this guide for details.

Note currently the attributes method is supported, but please do not use it as some details of the semantics will be changing in an upcoming release. Instead of foo.attributes[:xyz] use foo.send('xyz') for now.

Client Side Scoping

By default scopes will be recalculated on the server. For simple scopes that do not use joins or includes no additional action needs to be taken to make scopes work with Hyperloop. For scopes that do use joins, or if you want to offload the scoping computation from the server to the client read more here.

TODO fix link above


Each application defines a number of channels and authorization policies for those channels and the data sent over the channels.

Policies are defined with Policy classes. These are similar and compatible with Pundit but you do not need to use the pundit gem (but can if you want.)

TODO fix links below

For complete details see Authorization Policies

Common Errors

  • No policy class If you don't define a policy file, nothing will happen because nothing will get connected. By default Hyperloop will look for a ApplicationPolicy class.

  • Wrong version of pusher-fake (pusher-fake/base vs. pusher-fake/rspec) See the Pusher-Fake gem repo for details.

  • Forgetting to add require pusher in application.js file
    this results in an error like this:

    Exception raised while rendering #<TopLevelRailsComponent:0x53e>
      ReferenceError: Pusher is not defined

    To resolve make sure you require 'pusher' in your application.js file if using pusher. DO NOT require pusher from your components manifest as this will cause prerendering to fail.

  • No create/update/destroy policies You must explicitly allow changes to the Models to be made by the client. If you don't you will see 500 responses from the server when you try to update. To open all access do this in your application policy: allow_change(to: :all, on: [:create, :update, :destroy]) { true }

  • Cannot connect to real pusher account If you are trying to use a real pusher account (not pusher-fake) but see errors like this

    pusher.self.js?body=1:62 WebSocket connection to
    failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

    Check to see if you are including the pusher-fake gem.
    Hyperloop will always try to use pusher-fake if it sees the gem included. Remove it and you should be good to go. See issue #5 for more details.

  • Cannot connect with ActionCable.
    Make sure that config.action_cable.allowed_request_origins includes the url you use for development (including the port) and that you are using Puma.

  • Attributes are not being converted from strings, or do not have their default values Eager loading is probably turned off. Hyperloop needs to eager load hyperloop/models so it can find all the column information for all Isomorphic models.

  • When starting rails you get a message on the rails console couldn't find file 'browser' The hyper-component v0.10.0 gem removed the dependency on opal-browser. You will have to add the 'opal-browser' gem to your Gemfile.

  • On page load you get a message about super class mismatch for DummyValue You are still have the old reactive-record gem in your Gemfile, remove it from your gemfile and your components manifest.

  • On page load you get a message about no method session for nil
    You are still referencing the old reactive-ruby or reactrb gems either directly or indirectly though a gem like reactrb-router. Replace any gems like reactrb-router with hyper-router. You can also just remove reactrb, as hyper-model will be included by the hyper-model gem.

  • You keep seeing the message WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3000/cable' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established. every few seconds in the console.
    There are probably lots of reasons for this, but it means ActionCable can't get itself going. One reason is that you are trying to run with Passenger instead of Puma, and trying to use async mode in cable.yml file. async mode requires Puma.


Sometimes you need to figure out what connections are available, or what attributes are readable etc.

Its usually all to do with your policies, but perhaps you just need a little investigation.

TODO check rr has become hyperloop (as below)

You can bring up a console within the controller context by browsing localhost:3000/hyperloop/console

Note: change rr to wherever you are mounting Hyperloop in your routes file.

Note: in rails 4, you will need to add the gem 'web-console' to your development section

Within the context you have access to session.id and current acting_user which you will need, plus some helper methods to reduce typing

  • Getting auto connection channels:
    channels(session_id = session.id, user = acting_user)
    e.g. channels returns all channels connecting to this session and user providing nil as the acting_user will test if connections can be made without there being a logged in user.

  • Can a specific class connection be made: can_connect?(channel, user = acting_user) e.g. can_connect? Todo returns true if current acting_user can connect to the Todo class. You can also provide the class name as a string.

  • Can a specific instance connection be made: can_connect?(channel, user = acting_user) e.g. can_connect? Todo.first returns true if current acting_user can connect to the first Todo Model. You can also provide the instance in the form 'Todo-123'

  • What attributes are accessible for a Model instance:
    viewable_attributes(instance, user = acting_user)

  • Can the attribute be viewed:
    view_permitted?(instance, attribute, user = acting_user)

  • Can a Model be created/updated/destroyed: create_permitted?(instance, user = acting_user)
    e.g. create_permitted?(Todo.new, nil) can anybody save a new todo?
    e.g. destroy_permitted?(Todo.last) can the acting_user destroy the last Todo

You can of course simulate server side changes to your Models through this console like any other console. For example

Todo.new.save will broadcast the changes to the Todo Model to any authorized channels.


hyper-model is the merger of reactive-record, synchromesh and hyper-mesh gems. As such a lot of the internal names are still using either ReactiveRecord or Synchromesh module names.

The original ReactiveRecord specs were written in opal-rspec. These are being migrated to use server rspec with isomorphic helpers. There are about 150 of the original tests left and to run these you

  1. cd to reactive_record_test_app
  2. do a bundle install/update as needed,
  3. bundle exec rake db:reset,
  4. start the server: bundle exec rails s,
  5. then visit localhost:3000/spec-opal.

If you want to help PLEASE consider spending an hour and migrate a spec file to the new format. You can find examples by looking in the spec/reactive_record/ directory and matching to the original file in


The remaining tests are run in the more traditional bundle exec rake


bundle exec rspec spec

You can run the specs in firefox by adding DRIVER=ff (best for debugging.) You can add SHOW_LOGS=true if running in poltergeist (the default) to see what is going on, but ff is a lot better for debug.


TODO fix links

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/reactive-ruby/HyperMesh. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.