Hydra Tutorial Application

The tutorial will:

  • installs basic application prerequisites
  • generate a new rails application
  • walks through building a Hydra model:
    • first, as a AF::Base object with an XML datastream
    • then, with a simple OM terminology for a basic, contrived schema
    • finally, with a simple MODS-based terminology
  • wire the model into Rails using standard Rails scaffolding
  • adding blacklight and hydra-head gems for object discovery
  • add a basic rspec/capybara test

Throughout the process, there's a number of prompts to poke around the rails console and/or in a browser. At the end of the tutorial, you have a working Hydra Head for adding MODS-based metadata records. In the next release, I'll try to wire in file uploads, collections, etc.



$ curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
$ rvm install 1.9.3
  (See https://rvm.io/rvm/install/ )
$ gem install hydra-tutorial
$ hydra-tutorial