
We define resource as an independent financial entity that can be used to represent any physical or virtual component of value. A resource can be stored or used as a medium of exchange to create any use case in centralized and decentralized finance. This library can be used to programmatically define and manage resources.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hws-resources'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hws-resource


Create a resource

Hws::Resources::Models::Resource.create(name: "hypto_coin", schema: {"type": "integer", "multipleOf" => 0.001})

=> #<Hws::Resources::Models::Resource id: "99dbf504-ffc4-46d3-aea1-802f91ebd0b0", name: "hypto_coin", description: nil, resource_type: "fungible_connected", schema: {"type"=>"integer", "multipleOf"=>0.001}, created_at: "2021-11-25 13:46:27", updated_at: "2021-11-25 13:46:27">

Update a resource

Schema is marked a read_only and cannot be updated. Only the name and description of the resource can be updated

    .find_by(id: "99dbf504-ffc4-46d3-aea1-802f91ebd0b0")
    .update!(name: 'Hypto Duper Coin', description: 'Sample primitive financial resource')
=> true

Delete a resource

    .find_by(id: "99dbf504-ffc4-46d3-aea1-802f91ebd0b0")
=> #<Hws::Resources::Models::Resource id: "99dbf504-ffc4-46d3-aea1-802f91ebd0b0", ...>


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/hwslabs/hws-resources-ruby.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.