
Search your local gem repository for gems installed from GitHub that have since moved to Gemcutter and get instructions on how to reinstall them.

Command line usage

$ hubless [-i|-h]

Sample output

Found 184 local gems. Of those, 53 look like GitHub gems.

Searching GitHub for matching repositories...
Found 17 repositories on GitHub.

Searching for matching gems on Gemcutter...
Found 9 gems on Gemcutter.

To uninstall these GitHub gems run:
gem uninstall thoughtbot-shoulda -v 2.10.1
gem uninstall thoughtbot-factory_girl -v 1.2.1
gem uninstall rubyist-aasm -v 2.1.1
gem uninstall relevance-rcov -v 0.8.6
gem uninstall mojombo-chronic -v 0.3.0
gem uninstall mislav-will_paginate -v 2.3.11
gem uninstall jscruggs-metric_fu -v 1.1.5
gem uninstall javan-whenever -v 0.3.6

To reinstall these gems from Gemcutter run:
gem install shoulda -v 2.10.1
gem install factory_girl -v 1.2.1
gem install aasm -v 2.1.1
gem install rcov -v 0.8.6
gem install chronic -v 0.3.0
gem install will_paginate -v 2.3.11
gem install metric_fu -v 1.1.5
gem install whenever -v 0.3.6


Hubless now has a blacklist of gems with unfortunate names, that should not be reinstalled. For example: sqlite3-ruby.

If you encounter any of these gems, please fork this project, add them to BLACKLIST.yml and submit a Pull Request. Thanks!

Copyright (c) 2010 Greg Sterndale. See LICENSE for details.