<img src=“https://badge.fury.io/rb/html_mockup.png” alt=“Gem Version” />


HTML Mockup is a set of tools to create self-containing HTML mockups. HtmlMockup gives you the flexibility of a templatinglanguage but at the same time keeps all HTML files viewable. HTML comments are used to determine what partial (sub-template) to render.

HtmlMockup also provides tools for HTML validation.


HtmlMockup requires the following dependencies

  • Ruby 1.8.x (or 1.9.x)

  • Rubygems

  • Thor (to use mockup binary)

  • Rack > 1.0 (to use mockup serve)


Just write regular HTML files and include comment’s like this:

<!-- [START:partial_name] -->Text<!-- [STOP:partial_name] -->

The data between the tags will be replaced by the partial contents. Partials are searched in “../partials” relative to the directory the script you run resides in. This can be overridden with commandline parameters. Partials always must have a .part.r?html ending and are evaluated as ERB during insertion.

Syntax for HTML files

Standard partials

<!-- [START:partial_name] -->Text<!-- [STOP:partial_name] -->

Pass parameters to partials

You can pass in parameters to partials in the format of key=value&key2=value2 (it’s just a regular CGI query string and is parsed by CGI#parse). The partials wich are evaluated as ERB can access the variables through standard instance methods. The example below would create the instance variable @key.

<!-- [START:partial_name?key=value] -->Text<!-- [STOP:partial_name] -->

Partials in subdirectories

The partials path can have it’s own directory structure. You can create tags with slashes in them to access partials in subdirectories.

Mockup commandline

mockup serve [directory]

Serve can be used during development as a simple webserver (Puma, Mongrel, Thin, Webrick). It also supports on-the-fly HTML validation.

The directory to serve must contain ‘[directory]/html` and `[directory]/partials` (unless you have specified `–partial_path` and `–html_path`)



The port the server should listen on. Defaults to 9000


the path where the partial files can be found (*.part.html), defaults to directory ‘[directory]/partials`


the path where the html files can be found (*.html), defaults to directory ‘[directory]/html`


Flag to set wether or not we should validate all html files (defaults to false)

mockup release [directory]

Makes a release of the current mockup project

mockup new [directory]

Generate creates a directory structure in directory for use with new HTML mockups.

mockup extract [source_path] [target_path]

Extract a fully relative html mockup into target_path. It will expand all absolute href’s, src’s and action’s into relative links if they are absolute



Defaults to [directory]/partials


What files should be converted defaults to */.html

mockup validate [directory/file]

Validates all files within directory or just file with the W3C validator webservice.



Flag to print a line for each valid file too (defaults to false)


What files should be validated, defaults to [^_]*.html

Copyright & license

Copyright © 2012 Flurin Egger, Edwin van der Graaf, DigitPaint, MIT Style License. (see MIT-LICENSE)