
This code is heavy work in progress and does not work today. The examples and usage hints given below only show the goals.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hpath'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hpath


Here are some examples of hpath in action.

record = {
  title: "About a hash",
  creator: [
  price: [
    { currency: :USD, value: 12.99 },
    { currency: :EUR, value:  8.99 }
  subject: [
    { type: "automatic", value: "hash" },
    { type: "automatic", value: "hashes" },
    { type: "automatic", value: "ruby" },
    { type: "manual", value: "hash" },
    { type: "manual", value: "array" },
    { type: "manual", value: "Hashman" },
    { type: "manual", value: "Hashboy" },
  _source: {
    "id" => "123",
    "title" => "<h1>About a hash</h1>",

Hpath.get record, "/title"
# => "About a hash"

Hpath.get record, "/_source/id"
# => "123"

Hpath.get record, "/_source/[id, title]"
# => { "id" => "123", "title" => "<h1>About a hash</h1>" }

Hpath.get record, "/price/*[currency=USD]"
# => [{ currency: :USD, value: 12.99 }]

Hpath.get record, "/price/*[currency=USD,value<10]"
# => nil

Hpath.get record, "/price/*[(currency=USD|currency=EUR),value<10]"
# => [{ currency: :EUR, value:  8.99 }]

Hpath.get record, "/subject/*[type=automatic]"
# => [
#      { type: "automatic", value: "hash" },
#      { type: "automatic", value: "hashes" },
#      { type: "automatic", value: "ruby" }
#    ]

Hpath.get record, "/subject/*[type=automatic]/type"
# => ["automatic", "automatic", "automatic"]



Get the root element.

Hpath.get [:a,:b,:c], "/"
# => [:a,:b,:c]


Get the n-th element of an array.

Hpath.get [:a,:b,:c], "/[1]"
# => :a


Get the n-th, m-th and ... element of an array.

Hpath.get [:a,:b,:c], "/[1,2]"
# => [:a,:b]

/[key1, key2, ...]

If current element is a hash, get a hash only with the given keys. Since it cannot be determined, if the key is a symbol or a string, both interpretations are checked. If the current object is not a hash, but has methods named key1, key2, this methods are called and the results are returned.

Hpath.get {a: "b", c: "d", e: "f"}, "/[a,c]"
# => {a: "b", c: "d"}


Get all elements of the current root element. If it's a array, this simply returns the array. If it's a hash, an array of all key/value pairs is returned.

Hpath.get [:a,:b,:c], "/*"
# => [:a,:b,:c]
Hpath.get {a: "b", c: "d", e: "f"}, "/*"
# => [{a: "b"}, {c: "d"}, {e: "f"}]


If the current element is a hash, return the value of the given key. If the current element is not a hash, but has a method named key, this method is called and the result is returned.

Hpath.get {a: { b: "c" } }, "/a"
# => { b: "c" }

If the current element is an array, the non-array behaviour is applied to all members of the array.

Hpath.get([{a:"1", b:"2", c:"3"}, {a:"2", b:"5", c:"6"}], "/a")
# => ["1", "2"]


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com//hpath/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request