Returns an object which contains all the player statistics avaialable for the user specified. You must specify a username rather than an account ID for this to function correctly.


This will return all the player statistics for the player named “Limi”

require 'honstats'
honstats =
char = honstats.get_character("Limi")
=> HonStats::Classes::Character

If you were to call to_s or to_i to the char variable you would get the character account name and account id respectively.

From there you can access inidividual statistics by sections…


…or by querying them directly…

=> 304
=> 5329

Each individual section holds different statistics…


:id                             Account ID number
:name                           Account name
:created_at                     Account creation date
:last_login                     Account last login date
:last_activity                  Account last activity date


:damage                         Damage done to buildings
:xp                             XP gained from raizing buildings (currently 0)
:raized                         Number of buildings raized
:gold                           Gold earned from buildings raized


:id                             Clan ID number
:name                           Clan name
:tag                            Clan tag
:rank                           Clan rank
:icon                           Clan logo?


:kills                          Number of creep kills
:damage                         Damage done to creep
:xp                             XP gained from killing creeps
:gold                           Gold earned from killing creeps
:denies                         Number of denied creeps
:denied_xp                      XP denied due to denied creeps
:kills_per_minute               Number of creep kills per minute
:xp_per_minute                  Amount of XP earned per minute from creep kills
:denies_per_minute              Number of denied creep kills per minute
:denied_xp_per_minute           Amount of XP denied per minute from creep denies


:kills                          Number of hero kills
:damage                         Damage done to enemy heroes
:xp                             XP gained from killing heroes
:gold                           Gold earned from killing heroes
:assists                        Number of hero kills assisted in
:deaths                         Number of hero deaths
:gold_lost                      Amount of gold lost due to hero deaths
:seconds_dead                   Number of seconds spent dead
:buybacks                       Number of hero buybacks
:kills_per_minute               Number of hero kills per minute
:xp_per_minute                  XP gained per minute from hero kills
:time_dead_percentage           Percentage of the time spent dead
:assists_per_minute             Number of hero kill assists per minute
:kill_death_ratio               Hero kill to death ratio


:wins                           Number of games won
:losses                         Number of games lost
:win_percentage                 Percentage of games won
:disconnects                    Number of game disconnects
:time_played                    Time played in seconds
:level                          Account Level
:gold_earned                    Gold earned overall
:gold_spent                     Gold spent overall
:xp_earned                      XP earned overall
:actions_made                   Number of actions made
:average_score                  ?? - Unknown
:xp_earned_per_minute           XP earned per minute
:gold_earned_per_minute         Gold earned per minute
:actions_per_minute             Number of actions per minute
:average_game_length_in_seconds Average Number of seconds per game
:played                         Number of games played
:average_kills_per_game         Average number of hero kills per game
:average_deaths_per_game        Average number of hero deaths per game
:average_assists_per_game       Average number of hero assists per game
:disconnect_percentage          Percentage of number of games disconnected
:average_xp_earned_per_game     Average amount of XP earned per game
:average_creep_kills_per_game   Average number of creep kills per game
:average_creep_denies_per_game  Average number of creep denies per game


:id                             Game ID of the last match
:date                           Date of the last match played


:kills                          Number of neutral creep kills
:damage                         Damage done to neutral creeps
:xp                             XP earned from neutral creep kills
:gold                           Gold earned from neutral creep kills
:kills_per_minute               Number of neutral creep kills per minute
:xp_per_minute                  XP earned per minute from neutral creep kills