
A gem to quickly get off the ground using Trulia's Hologram with a Rails project.



gem 'hologram_rails'
gem 'hologram', github: 'trulia/hologram'

(At the time of writing, it's necessary to specify the trulia/hologram github repo because it's ahead of the published gem and allows using categories in _header.html)

bundle && rails g hologram_rails:install && bundle exec guard

Edit ./doc_assets/_header.html as needed! This is where all the styleguide-specific html and css is placed. You can extract the styles to assets compiled in the asset pipeline and just link to the stylesheets if you want. See this post for details on that approach.

What it Does

Hologram Setup

  • Parses all asset files in ./app/assets.
  • Outputs to ./public/styleguide
  • Hologram compilation assets are in ./doc_assets
  • Indexes to basics category
  • These configuration options can be changed by editing ./hologram_config.yml

guard-hologram Setup

  • Watches everything in ./doc_assets and all assets in ./app/assets; runs hologram upon change.
  • Settings editable in ./Guardfile


Hologram parses your assets (sass, less, css, md, styl, js) for comments of the following format and generates an .html file for each category of component using the _header.html and _footer.html partials Hologram provides.

title: Alert
name: alert
category: alerts
    <div class='alert'>Hello</div>

  color: blue;

From the comments above, Hologram will create a file called alerts.html that has one component, .alert, and inserts an html snippet demonstrating its usage.