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This is the command line tool for hipchat.
You will be able to search hipchat log more easily.


$ gem install hipchat_searcher


  • hitchat_searcher requires access token on hipchat. so you visit hipchat, login and get access token.
  • If you get access token, execute command like this.
export HPS_HIPCHAT_TOKEN={access_token}


hipchat_searcher search for a regular expression the words that you specify.
In the specifications of the hipchat api, hipchat_searcher search of the upcoming 100 comments. If you want to search the log older 100 recently, specify -e or --deep option.

  • Search the words in all room. (but it searches ALL the room that user know, so there may be heavy)
hps word
  • Search the words in specified room
hps word -r room-name
  • Search the words older than 75 recently
hps word -e
  • Search the words of trailing context after each match. Such as grep command option.
hps word -A 2
  • Search the words of trailing context before each match. Such as grep command option.
hps word -B 2
  • Search the words of trailing context surrounding each match. The following is equivalent to -A 2 -B 2.
hps word -C 2
  • Search the words that specified user talks
hps word -u user-name
  • Search the words the date of latest from the target date
hps word -d 2014-01-01
  • Search the words in archived room
hps word -a


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/mgi166/hipchat_searcher/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request