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Heller is a JRuby wrapper around the Kafka Producer and (Simple)Consumer APIs, much like Mikka is for Akka's Java API.

The goal of Heller is to make the Producer and Consumer APIs of Kafka a bit more Rubyesque, and useful as building blocks for creating more advanced producer and consumer implementations.

Producer API

Heller::Producer is an extremely simple wrapper class around kafka.javaapi.producer.Producer and provides some convenience in configuring the producer with more Rubyesque names for configuration parameters.

All configuration parameters are supported and can be used in the following way:

require 'heller'

producer = Heller::Producer.new('localhost:9092,localhost:9093', {
  :type => :async,
  :serializer => 'kafka.serializer.StringEncoder',
  :key_serializer => 'kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder',
  :partitioner => 'kafka.producer.DefaultPartitioner',
  :compression => :gzip,
  :num_retries => 5,
  :retry_backoff => 1500,
  :metadata_refresh_interval => 5000,
  :batch_size => 2000,
  :client_id => 'spec-client',
  :request_timeout => 10000,
  :buffer_limit => 100 * 100,
  :buffer_timeout => 1000 * 100,
  :enqueue_timeout => 1000,
  :socket_buffer => 1024 * 1000,
  :ack => -1

Check the official Kafka docs for possible values for each parameter.

To send messages you creates instances of Heller::Message and feed them to the #push method of the producer:

messages = 3.times.map { Heller::Message.new('test', 'my message!') }

Want to partition messages based on some key? Sure, no problem:

messages = [0, 1, 2].map { |key| Heller::Message.new('test', "my message using #{key} as key!", key.to_s) }

Consumer API

Heller::Consumer wraps kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer and provides basically the same methods, but with a bit more convenience (or at least I'd like to think so).

A Consumer can be created in the following way:

require 'heller'

options = {
  # 'generic' consumer options
  :timeout => 5000,            # socket timeout
  :buffer_size => 128 * 1024,  # socket buffer size
  :client_id => 'my-consumer', # id of consumer
  # fetch request related options
  :max_wait => 4500,           # maximum time (ms) the consumer will wait for response of a request
  :min_bytes => 1024           # minimum amount of bytes the server (broker) should return for a fetch request

consumer = Heller::Consumer.new('localhost:9092', options)

The options specified in the options hash are also described in the official Kafka docs, albeit they're described in the context of their high-level consumer.

The consumer API exposes the following methods: #fetch, #metadata, #offsets_before, #earliest_offset and #latest_offset, and their usage is described below.

Fetching messages

topic = 'my-topic'
partition = offset = 0

response = consumer.fetch(Heller::FetchRequest.new(topic, partition, offset))

if response.error? && (error_code = response.error(topic, partition)) != 0
  puts "Got error #{Heller::Errors.error_for(error_code)}!"
  message_enumerator = response.messages(topic, partition)
  message_enumerator.each do |offset, message_payload|
    puts "#{offset}: #{message_payload}"

See Heller::FetchResponse (and the related specs) for usage of other methods.

It's also possible to pass an array of FetchRequest objects to #fetch.

requests = [0, 1, 2].map { |i| Heller::FetchRequest.new(topic, i, offset) }
fetch_response = consumer.fetch(requests)

Topic and partition metadata

kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer exposes a method called #topic_metadata, which in Heller has been "renamed" to just #metadata.

topics = [1, 2, 3].map { |i| "my-topic-#{i}" }

response = consumer.(topics)

response.each do |topic, |
  puts "Got metadata for (#{topic}:#{.partition_id})"

leader = response.leader_for('my-topic-1', 0)
puts "Leader for my-topic-1:0 is at #{leader.connection_string} (#{leader.zk_string})"

isrs = response.isr_for('my-topic-1', 0) # also aliased as #in_sync_replicas_for
isrs.each do |isr|
  puts "An in-sync replica for my-topic-1:0 is at #{isr.connection_string} (#{isr.zk_string})"

Get offsets for topic-partition combinations

# arguments = *[topic, partition, timestamp (ms), max number of offsets]
request = Heller::OffsetRequest.new('my-topic', 0, Time.now.to_i * 1000, 10)
response = consumer.offsets_before(request)

if response.error? && (error_code = response.error('my-topic', 0)) != 0
  puts "Got error #{Heller::Errors.error_for(error_code)}!"
  offsets = response.offsets('my-topic', 0)
  puts "Got #{offsets.join(', ')} offsets for my-topic:0"

Heller::Consumer also exposes (as SimpleConsumer) two convenience methods for retrieving the earliest / latest offset for a topic-partition combination.

earliest_offset = consumer.earliest_offset('my-topic', 0)
latest_offset = consumer.latest_offset('my-topic', 0)

puts "Earliest available offset is #{earliest_offset}"
puts "Latest available offset is #{latest_offset}"


The project is currently under development, and I wouldn't really recommend it to be used in any form of production environment. There is still quite some work that needs to be done, especially for the Consumer API. The Producer API is more or less done, for the moment at least.

It's getting there, though I'm mostly doing this during my spare time, which is sparse at times.

Copyright 2013-2015 Mathias Söderberg and contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.