
Convert height between metric and imperial systems. The main target of this gem are apps that have to deal with human's height.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'height'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install height


@height = Height.new(191)

@height.millimeters # 1910
@height.centimeters # 191
@height.meters # 1.91
@height.feet # 6.25
@height.inches # 75

@height.to_s(:default, :metric) # '1m 91cm'
@height.to_s(:default, :imperial) # '6 ft 3 in'

# or simply:
@height.to_s # '1m 91cm'

I18n & Formats

The to_s method takes 2 optional arguments: :format and :system_of_units.

You can have as many formats as you like, add them into your locale file:

        default: '%{meters}m %{centimeters}cm'
        only_meters: '%{only_meters}m'
        only_centimeters: '%{only_centimeters}cm'

You can now call:

@height = Height.new(191)

@height.to_s(:default) # '1m 91cm'
@height.to_s(:only_meters) # '1.91m'
@height.to_s(:only_centimeters) # '191cm'

Same goes for the imperial system (:only_feet, :only_inches, etc).

System of units

You can specify which system of units(metric or imperial) you want when calling to_s:

Height.new(191).to_s(:default, :metric) # '1m 91cm'
Height.new(191).to_s(:default, :imperial) # '6 ft 3 in'

If you don't want to specify it every time, you can set it globally:

Height.system_of_units = :imperial

Height.new(191).to_s # '6 ft 3 in'

By default, system_of_units is :metric.


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