
Ruby logging library that provides the ability to add class/module specific filters.

This README provides a brief overview of Hatchet, see the main site for more complete documentation and tutorials.

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Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'hatchet'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hatchet



To use the logger you must add it to your classes as a mixin or use it to extend your modules. Then you can call the logger through the methods log and logger. They are aliases for the same method to ease migration.


```ruby class Foo include Hatchet

def self.class_work log.info { ‘Doing some class work’ } end

def work log.info { ‘Doing some work’ } end

def dangerous_work log.info { ‘Attempting dangerous work’ } attempt_dangerous_work log.info { ‘Dangerous work complete’ } true rescue => e log.error “Dangerous work failed - #ee.message”, e false end end ```


```ruby module Bar include Hatchet

def self.work log.info { ‘Doing some module work’ } end

def work log.info { ‘Doing some mixin work’ } end end ```



```ruby Hatchet.configure do |config| # Set the level to use unless overridden (defaults to :info) config.level :info # Set the level for a specific class/module and its children config.level :debug, ‘Namespace::Something::Nested’

# Add as many appenders as you like config.appenders « Hatchet::LoggerAppender.new do |appender| # Set the logger that this is wrapping (required) appender.logger = Logger.new(‘log/test.log’) end end ```


Use the standard configuration method but also register Hatchet as a helper where appropriate:

ruby register Hatchet

Note that you may have to use the log alias as Sinatra already has a logger method.


Hatchet includes a Railtie that is loaded automatically and wraps the Rails.logger. The Hatchet configuration object is available through config.hatchet within your standard configuration files for fine-tuning your Hatchet configuration.

To make it so your log calls are scoped to your controllers you also need to add Hatchet to your ApplicationController:

ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include Hatchet end

You could include it in your models so that each of those has its own logging context too.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

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