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This gem provides a wrapper around HasOffers API in version 3, HasOffers APIv3 Documentation.


Supported ruby versions:

  • 2.2
  • 2.3


gem install hasoffersv3


First, check if the method you want to call is already defined in hasoffersv3/lib/hasoffersv3/*. If not, you will need to add the method yourself (either just use your fork or submit a PR with your changes).

Next, create an initializer in your project in config/intializers and configure your API credentials like so:

HasOffersV3.configure do |config|
  config.api_key      = ENV['YOUR_HAS_OFFERS_API_KEY']
  config.network_id   = ENV['YOUR_HAS_OFFERS_NETWORK_ID']
  config.read_timeout = 10

You can now use the defined methods, following this pattern:


If HasOffers method does not take any parameters, then API also doesn't take them, otherwise it should be always a hash.

Naming is the same as in HasOffers documentation, also if it requires attributes then API will raise an exception if it's missing.


HasOffersV3::Affiliate.update_payment_method_wire({ affiliate_id: '877', data: {} })

or when working with forms:

  account: {
    company: params[:company_name],
    country: params[:company_country],
    address1: 'Change me 123',
    zipcode: '123123'
  user: {
    first_name: params[:user_name],
    email: params[:user_email],
    password: params[:user_password],
    password_confirmation: params[:user_password_confirmation]
  return_object: 1


To enable log you can set a logger in configuration. All HTTP requests and responses will be logged.

To disable it, just set the logger configuration to nil value. Default is disabled.

An example setting Rails logger:

HasOffersV3.configure do |config|
  config.logger = Rails.logger


If RAILS_ENV or RACK_ENV is set to test, or there's a TEST environment variable, it will require the HasOffersV3::Testing module and enable testing mode. In testing mode all requests will return stubbed successful response with empty data set.

When you need to disable testing mode:


When you want to provide custom stub:

HasOffersV3::Testing.stub_request status_code, body