Wrapper/helper for ActiveRecord find(:all, *args). Returns a collection of objects injected into a Hash. The attribute used as a key for the Hash should be specified as first argument. if :fetch is not specified in the arguments the whole object will be assigned as value, otherwise only the attribute spefified. You can pass in all the same arguments to this method as you can to find(:all).


Given the models:

Feed(id: integer, state: string, name: string) Post(id: integer, feed_name: string, title: string, url: string)

count the number of posts of every state. Row count is too high to use SQL JOIN.

@post_per_state = {} feeds = Feed.hash_all(‘feed_name’, :fetch => ‘state’) posts = Post.all(:select => ‘COUNT(id), feed_name’,

:group       => 'feed_name')

posts.each do |p|

@post_per_state[feeds[p.feed_name]] ||= 0 
@post_per_state[feeds[p.feed_name]] += p.attributes['COUNT(id)'].to_i


> {“new york”=>6, “georgia”=>11, “new mexico”=>2, … }