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ActiveRecord plugin which adds setup and convenience methods for working with a relational localization table for user-driven data.

Adds accessors to retrieve localized attributes using the current locale, in order to avoid having to collect the correct object each time a value is needed. Localized attribute values are also cached for the current locale.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'has_localization_table'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install has_localization_table


The gem assumes that the localization table has already been migrated, and the model for it contains belongs_to associations for the locale table and the base table. You only need to call the has_localization_table method on the base model.

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  # assuming ArticleLocalizations has name and body columns
  has_localization_table :localizations, required: true, class_name: "ArticleLocalizations"

# Localized attributes can be retrieved by accessor...
a = Article.new(name: "Once Upon a Time...", body: "There once lived a princess locked away in a tower!")
a.name # "Once Upon a Time..."
a.body # "There once lived a princess locked away in a tower!"

# ... or set directly
a.name = "Sleeping Beauty"

# After changing to a different locale
a.name = "Belle au Bois Dormant"
a.body = "Il était une fois une princesse enfermée dans une tour!"

=> [<ArticleLocalization id: 1, article_id: 1, locale_id: 1, name: "Sleeping Beauty", body: "There once lived a princess locked away in a tower!">,
    <ArticleLocalization id: 2, article_id: 1, locale_id: 2, name: "Belle au Bois Dormant", body: "Il était une fois une princesse enfermée dans une tour!">]

# Finder and order convenience methods are also provided:
Article.find_by_name("Snow White")
Article.find_by_name_and_body("...", "...")
Article.ordered_by_name # uses Arel, so it can be chained with other finder methods

has_localization_table Arguments

If given, the first argument is the name used for the association, otherwise it defaults to strings.

  • class_name (default: base class name + class_suffix) - the name of the localization class.
  • required (default: false) - if true, at least a localization object for the primary language (see Configuration section) must be present or validation will fail
  • optional (default: []) - if required is true, can be used to specify that specific attributes are optional

Any options that can be passed into has_many can also be passed along and will be used when creating the association.


HasLocalizationTable can also be configured as follows. Note that if any configuration option responds to call, it will be called.

HasLocalizationTable.configure do |config|
  # Default suffix to use for Localization class names
  # ie. Article -> ArticleLocalization
  config.class_suffix = "Localization"

  # Default localizations association name
  config.default_association_name = :localizations

  # Class name for Locale objects
  config.locale_class = "Locale"

  # Foreign key used in localization tables to relate to a Locale
  config.locale_foreign_key = "locale_id"

  # Primary (main) locale
  config.primary_locale = ->{ Locale.primary_language }

  # Current locale
  config.current_locale = ->{ Locale.current_language }

  # All available locales
  config.all_locales = ->{ Locale.all }


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request