
Active Record filter conditions

It's allows you to find a model with a specific set of conditions, eliminating complex set of filter conditions in filter forms.

Getting started

Install - Gemfile

gem has_filter

Rails 2.3

In rails 2.3 also needs add to envoriment.rb

config.gem 'has_filter'


$ bundle install


class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

And now you can use:

Post.filter(:active => true)          #=> All active posts
Post.filter(:active => [true, false]) #=> All posts active or not
Post.filter(:title  => "Something")   #=> All that match with title Something (title like %Something%)

You can also specify what attributes should be filtered

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_filter :title #=> It will only filter by title conditions
Post.filter(:active => true)                         #=> No filtering
Post.filter(:title  => "Something", :active => true) #=> All that match with title Something (title like %Something%) ignoring active condition


By default the max of records is 100, by you can specify other amount:

Article.filter({:status => "open"}, 1)   #=> Retrieve just one element

Note which when we specify a limit, we need to wrap our options in a hash