
has_attributes is a ruby gem which provides a module for extending your classes with simple methods for creating elegant plain-ruby models.

gem install has_attributes


has_attributes delivers the following class and instance methods:

.model_attributes() → Set

An attribute accessor on the class that contains a set of attributes specified with has_attributes. It is added to the class via the included hook when includeing the module. If there is no call to has_attributes, then calling model_attributes on the class will be nil.

.has_attributes(*args) → nil

Takes any number of symbols or strings and defines attribute accessors for those attributes. has_attributes will attempt to copy any existing attributes from the parent class unless the last argument is a Hash and contains an inherit key set to false.

#attributes() → Hash

Returns a hash whose keys are the attributes set with has_attributes. Only the keys whose values are non nil will be returned.

#attributes=(attrs) → Hash

Takes a hash attrs and sets all the attributes declared with has_attributes to either a corresponding value in attrs or nil.


require 'has_attributes'

class Person
  include HasAttributes
  has_attributes :first_name, :last_name

class President < Person
  # invoked multiple times
  has_attributes :party
  has_attributes :term

class Student < Person
  has_attributes :id, :major, inherit: false

Person.model_attributes # #<Set: {:first_name, :last_name}>
President.model_attributes # #<Set: {:first_name, :last_name, :party, :term}>
Student.model_attributes # #<Set: {:id, :major}>

person = Person.new
person.first_name = "John"
person.last_name = "Smith"

person.first_name # "John"
person.last_name  # "Smith"

person.attributes # {:first_name=>"John", :last_name=>"Smith"}

president = President.new
president.first_name = "Barack"
president.last_name = "Obama"
president.party = "democratic"
president.term = "8 years"

president.attributes # {:first_name=>"Barack", :last_name=>"Obama", :party=>"democratic", :term=>"8 years"}

president.attributes = {}
president.attributes # {}

president.attributes = {:first_name=>"Barack", :last_name=>"Obama", :party=>"democratic", :term=>"8 years"}
president.attributes # {:first_name=>"Barack", :last_name=>"Obama", :party=>"democratic", :term=>"8 years"}

student = Student.new
# Student did not inherit attributes from Person
student.first_name = "lilly" # Exception: undefined method "first_name=" ...
student.id = 123
student.major = "CS"

student.id    # 123
student.major # "CS"

student.attributes # {:id=>123, :major=>"CS"}
