
NOTE: This is alpha code.

CLI tool to automate berkshelf and chef-solo deployment


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hansolo'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hansolo


hansolo provides three command line utilities for managing nodes with chef-solo.

  • hansolo: runs rsync to copy cookbooks and data bags to the target nodes, generates a manifest and executes chef-solo against the generated manifest.
  • hansolo-databag: Manages data bags.
  • hansolo-ssh: SSHs into one of the target nodes.

To see what options can be supplied, run the command with -h or --help.

Hanfile options

Hansolo.configure do |config|
  # Path to SSH keys
  config.keydir = '~/.ssh/chef'

  # Gateway server if nodes are in a private network. Must be a valid ssh URI
  # or URI instance.
  config.gateway = 'ssh://[email protected]:20202'

  # Name of the application
  config.app = 'blog'

  # Nodes to run `chef-solo` on. Can be a single or array of ssh URIs or URI
  # instance.
  config.target = 'ssh://[email protected]'

  # List of recipes to run.
  config.runlist = ['recipe']

  # Local path where cookbooks should be installed to using
  # `Hansolo.librarian`. Defaults to `./tmp/data_bags`
  config.cookbooks_path = '/tmp/chef/cookbooks'

  # Local path where data bags will be written when using `hansolo-databag`.
  # Defaults to `./tmp/cookbooks`
  config.data_bags_path = '/tmp/chef/cookbooks'

  # Command to run on the node after SSHing.
  config.post_ssh_command = 'export RAILS_ENV=production; cd /srv/blog/current'

  # Which chef cookbook manager to use. Currently, only `#berkshelf` is
  # supported.
  config.librarian = :berkshelf

  # SSH options to use when running `rsync` or `hansolo-ssh`.
  # Defaults to `-q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no`.
  config.ssh_options = '-vvv'


hansolo's behavior can be augmented by different providers by requiring them in a Hanfile. Currently, AWS is the only provider provided.

# Add AWS functionality to the toolset
require 'hansolo/providers/aws'

Hansolo.configure do |config|
  # ...

AWS Provider

The AWS provider augments hansolo to store data_bags in S3 and adds the ability to query EC2 for the IP address of the gateway and/or target nodes.

Data bags are stored in a bucket with the name data_bags-:app. The bucket is created if it does not exist.

To have the IP address of the gateway queried, use the following URI scheme: <tag_name>://user@<value>:port. The <tag_name> is the name of any tag on the instance (e.g. Name://user@bastion).

To query instances, set Hansolo.target to a hash with the keys :user, :host, and optionally :port (if not 22). The :host key should be set to the tag to query and the value should be the name of the application (e.g. role://user@api).


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request