Hammer CLI Foreman Tasks

Showing of the tasks (results and progress) in the Hammer CLI.

Allows waiting for async task after the task was triggered.


class MyAsyncCommand < HammerCLIForemanTasks::AsyncCommand
  action "run"
  command_name "run"

  success_message "Task started with id %{id}s"
  failure_message "Could not run the task"


Also, there is HammerCLIForemanTasks::Helper with helper methods, if the AsyncCommand class doesn't fit for the case.

The AsyncCommand comes with --async option so that the command doesn't wait for the task to finish.

There is a task command with progress action available, showing the progress for action based on id.


# wait for task to finish (showing the progress)
hammer task progress --id 1234-5678-7654-3210