
one-line haml/s[ac]ss/coffeescript compiler

simply compiles each haml/s[ac]ss/coffeescript files, and output coresponding html/css/js files in place, or to another directory.

I would recommend nanoc for a more functional (non-1-on-1-assocation of files, layouts, etc) content compiler.


$ gem install hamler


hamler without option prints

-i, --input-folder FOLDER        folder of source files, MUST be given
-o, --output-folder FOLDER       folder for output files, default to be the same with input-folder
-d, --dry-run                    dry run without actually modify or delete files
-p, --purge                      purge filenames that would be generated
-h, --help                       show this usage

invoke with -i and -o gives

$ hamler -i test -o /tmp
compile  test/a.sass
 create  /tmp/a.css
compile  test/a_haml_file.haml
 create  /tmp/a_haml_file.html
compile  test/subdir1/a_haml_file.haml
 create  /tmp/subdir1/a_haml_file.html
compile  test/subdir2/b.sass
 create  /tmp/subdir2/b.css
compile  test/subdir2/c.coffee
 create  /tmp/subdir2/c.js

-p purge those files. empty folders remains

$ hamler -i test -o /tmp -p
remove  /tmp/a.css
remove  /tmp/a_haml_file.html

-p -d do not really purge those files

$ hamler -i test -o /tmp -p -d 
would_remove  /tmp/a.css
would_remove  /tmp/a_haml_file.html


1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request


do-whatever-you-want-but-i-am-not-responsible-for-consequences 1.0