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H2 is a basic, experimental HTTP/2 client based on the http-2 gem.

H2 uses:

  • keyword arguments (>=2.0)
  • exception-less socket IO (>=2.3).


require 'h2'

# --- one-shot convenience

stream = H2.get url: 'https://example.com'

stream.ok?     #=> true
stream.headers #=> Hash
stream.body    #=> String
stream.closed? #=> true

client = stream.client #=> H2::Client

client.closed? #=> true

# --- normal connection

client = H2::Client.new addr: 'example.com', port: 443

stream = client.get path: '/'

stream.ok?     #=> true
stream.headers #=> Hash, method blocks until stream is closed
stream.body    #=> String, method blocks until stream is closed
stream.closed? #=> true

client.closed? #=> false unless server sent GOAWAY

stream = client.get path: '/push_promise' do |s| # H2::Stream === s
  s.on :headers do |h|
    if h['ETag'] == 'some_value']
      s.cancel! # already have 

stream.block! # blocks until this stream and any associated push streams are closed

stream.ok?     #=> true
stream.headers #=> Hash
stream.body    #=> String
stream.closed? #=> true

stream.pushes #=> Set
stream.pushes.each do |pp|
  pp.parent == stream #=> true
  pp.headers          #=> Hash
  pp.body             #=> String



For more info on using the CLI h2 installed with this gem:

$ h2 --help

Alternate Concurrency Models

Right now, h2 uses one new thread per connection. This is hardly ideal, so a couple other models are tentatively supported out of the box:

Neither of these gems are hard dependencies. If you want to use either one, you must have it available to your Ruby VM, most likely via Bundler, and require the sub-component of h2 that will prepend and extend H2::Client. They are also intended to be mutually exclusive: you can have both in your VM, but you can only use one at a time with h2.

Celluloid Pool

To use a celluloid actor pool for reading from H2::Client connections:

require 'h2/client/celluloid'

This will lazily fire up a celluloid pool, with defaults defined by Celluloid.

Concurrent-Ruby ThreadPoolExecutor

To use a concurrent-ruby thread pool executor for reading from H2::Client connections:

require 'h2/client/concurrent'

This will lazily fire up a Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor with the following settings:

procs = ::Concurrent.processor_count

min_threads: 0,
max_threads: procs,
max_queue:   procs * 5


  • [x] HTTPS / TLS
  • [x] push promise cancellation
  • [x] alternate concurrency models
  • [ ] fix up CLI to be more curlish


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/kenichi/h2. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.