
A DSL for quickly creating endpoints for GitHub post-receive webhooks. It makes it easy to perform some actions whenever one of your GitHub repos receives a push matching someone custom conditions.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'gwooks'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gwooks


First extend the Gwooks::Base class and use the DSL to create actions to be performed in response to a push:

```ruby class MyHookHandler < Gwooks::Base

repository_name “my_cool_project” do # this block gets executed when GitHub receives # a push to a repo named “my_cool_project”

# Here you can also access the payload sent by GitHub:
contributors = payload["commits"].map { |c| c["author"]["name"] }
send_email "[email protected]", "my_cool_project received changes by: #{ contributors.join(', ') }"   end

commit_message /Bump new version v(\d+.\d+.\d+)/ do |matches| # this block gets called when GitHub receives a push # with at least one commit message matching the Regexp. matches.each do |match| send_email(“[email protected]”, “New version released: #match[1]”) end end


def send_email(to, msg) # assume we define here a method to send an email end

end ```

Then set up an application providing an endpoint for the GitHub post-receive webhook and make use of the class you created:

```ruby require “sinatra”

post “/webhook” do[:payload]) end ```

Alternatively, you can use the sinatra application provided by the class Gwooks::App:

```ruby # In your require “gwooks”

Tell Gwooks::App to use your class

Gwooks::App.use_webhook MyHookHandler

Gwooks::App sets up an endpoint on POST /”

run Gwooks::App ```

Finally set up your GitHub repo to trigger a post-receive hook pointing to your endpoint. Whenever GitHub receives a push, your endpoint will be notified, and all the matching actions will be performed.

DSL methods

Each DSL method matches a corresponding property in the payload sent by the GitHub post-receive hooks (e.g. repository_owner_email matches payload["repository"]["owner"]["email"]). Note that all the methods starting with commits are also aliased with the singular commit to improve code readability.

The signature is identical for all methods:

ruby dsl_method_name(pattern, &block)

pattern can be any object. If it is a Regexp, it is matched against the target property in the payload, otherwise it is checked for equality.

block is called passing the match, or array of matches if the target property is an array (which is, in all commit* methods). The match is a MatchData object when regexp matching is used, or the matched pattern otherwise.

Here is the full list of the DSL methods: after before commits_added (alias: commit_added) commits_author_email (alias: commit_author_email) commits_author_name (alias: commit_author_name) commits_id (alias: commit_id) commits_message (alias: commit_message) commits_modified (alias: commit_modified) commits_removed (alias: commit_removed) commits_timestamp (alias: commit_timestamp) commits_url (alias: commit_url) ref repository_description repository_forks repository_homepage repository_name repository_owner_email repository_owner_name repository_pledgie repository_private repository_url repository_watchers


Please take into consideration that this is a beta release, and as such the API may change