
Ruby's interface of graphviz. It generate a dot file with simple ruby's syntax. Some implementations of Gviz are inspired by Ryan Davis's Graph.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gviz'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gviz


A simple example.

# add nodes and edges(route method)
# save to files with dot and png formats(save method)
require "gviz"

Graph do
  route :main => [:init, :parse, :cleanup, :printf]
  route :init => :make, :parse => :execute
  route :execute => [:make, :compare, :printf]

  save(:sample1, :png)

Graph is a shortcut for Gviz.new.graph.

This outputs sample1.dot and sample1.png files shown as below.


Add some attributes to the graph, nodes, edges.

## add color to all nodes with color set(nodes, nodeset and node methods)
## add color & styles to all edges(edges method)
## add color & styles to a edge(edge method)
## add bgcolor to a graph(global method)
require "gviz"

Graph.graph do
  route :main => [:init, :parse, :cleanup, :printf]
  route :init => :make, :parse => :execute
  route :execute => [:make, :compare, :printf]

  nodes(colorscheme:'piyg8', style:'filled')
  nodeset.each.with_index(1) { |nd, i| node(nd.id, fillcolor:i) }
  edges(arrowhead:'onormal', style:'bold', color:'magenta4')
  edge(:main_printf, arrowtail:'diamond', dir:'both', color:'#3355FF')

  save(:sample2, :png)

This outputs below.


Modify some.

## define specific edge port(node label & edge method)
## adjust node positions(rank method)
## define subgraph(subgraph method) 
require "gviz"

Graph.graph do
  route :main => [:init, :parse, :cleanup, :printf]
  route :init => :make, :parse => :execute
  route :execute => [:make, :compare, :printf]

  nodes colorscheme:'piyg8', style:'filled'
  nodeset.each.with_index(1) { |nd, i| node nd.id, fillcolor:i }
  edges arrowhead:'onormal', style:'bold', color:'magenta4'
  edge :main_printf, arrowtail:'diamond', dir:'both', color:'#3355FF'
  global bgcolor:'powderblue'

  node :execute, shape:'Mrecord', label:'{<x>execute | {a | b | c}}'
  node :printf, shape:'Mrecord', label:'{printf |<y> format}'
  edge 'execute:x_printf:y'
  rank :same, :cleanup, :execute
  subgraph do
    global label:'SUB'
    node :init
    node :make

  save(:sample3, :png)

This outputs below.


Another examples are at examples directory

gviz command

It comes with a gviz command. This works with a graph spec file. If 'graph.ru' file exist on a directory of the execution, it will be automatically loaded as a graph spec file.

Example of graph.ru:

  route :main => [:init, :parse, :cleanup, :printf]
  route :init => :make, :parse => :execute
  route :execute => [:make, :compare, :printf]

  save(:sample, :png)


  gviz [options] <graph filename>

where [options] are:

--name,   -n :   Graph name (default: G)
--type,   -t :   Graph type (default: digraph)
--version, -v:   Print version and exit
--help,    -h:   Show this message


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