
GridFS attachments for MongoMapper.


The grip gem is hosted on and uses Miso ( for image resizing

gem install miso grip

Setup (Rails)

# config/environment.rb

config.gem 'grip'


rake gems:install

Usage (See tests for better docs)

Create a MongoMapper model and include MongoMapper::Grip::HasAttachment and call has_grid_attachment :<attachment_name> to the model. Then if your attachment is an image, you can specify a hash of variants along with their :width & :height.

class Doc
  include MongoMapper::Document
  include MongoMapper::Grip::HasAttachment
  has_grid_attachment :image, :variants => {:thumb => {:width=>50,:height=>50}}

To save a file to your model, just send any file to the symbol that you specified.

image ='foo.png', 'r')
@doc = Doc.create(:image => image)

Alternately just set it on the model and save:

@doc.image = image

Each attachment as well as variants respond to the following methods:

=> "image"

puts @doc.image.file_size
=> 100

puts @doc.image.file_name
=> "foo.png"

puts @doc.image.grid_key
=> "docs/<id>/image"    

@doc.image.file # contents read from gridfs for serving from rack/metal/controller 

Variants are created after_save and can be referenced through the attachment they belong to: