= grate-handle

Grate Handle is a ruby library and a CLI tool which simplify work with GoGrid. It is built on top of GoGrid REST API.

Currently Grate Handle is under lazy development, but I hope that it will become usable in a couple of weeks.

== Getting Started

First install grate-handle.

sudo gem install grate-handle

Then create a .ghrc file in your home directory. This file will store the GoGrid's API credentials. It's a YAML file, so the structure will look like this:

% cat ~/.ghrc
- account: default
  apikey: YOUR_APIKEY
  secret: YOUR_SECRET

After putting correct credentials into config file it's good to synchronize the time with internet, cause GoGrid uses timestamps in API

% cat ~/.ghrc
- account: kishanov
  apikey: 12d957fd52ac93e7
  secret: bebebe

Finally, you can run gh command to see the usage. Now you are ready to work with GoGrid using CLI!

% gh

Note that not all ACTIONs applicable to every ENTITY.
Available combinations are:
    list servers        Shows all servers in all states
    list images         Shows all available server images (both legacy and MyGSI)
    list passwords      Shows root login credentials for all servers
    list ips            Shows all all ips in all states of all types.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2009 Kirill Ishanov. See LICENSE for details.