Google Ajax Crawler

Rack Middleware adhering to the Google Ajax Crawling Scheme, using a headless browser to render JS heavy pages and serve a dom snapshot of the rendered state to a requesting search engine.

Details of the scheme can be found at:



gem install google_ajax_crawler

In your

require 'google_ajax_crawler'

use GoogleAjaxCrawler::Crawler do |config|
  config.page_loaded_test = lambda {|driver|'document.getElementById("loading") == null') }

app = lambda {|env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, "b" ] }
run app


In the examples folder, each driver has a rackup file, which can be launched:

rackup examples/[driver_name].ru

then open a browser to http://localhost:9292/#!test and view source.... This is how a search engine will see your page. NOTE: don't look at the markup through a web inspector as it will most likely display dom elements rendered on the fly by js.

Change the url to http://localhost:9292/?_escaped_fragment_=test , and then again view source to see how the DOM state has been captured

Configuration Options


Tell the crawler when your page has finished loading / rendering. As determining when a page has completed rendering can depend on a number of qualitative factors (i.e. all ajax requests have responses, certain content has been displayed, or even when there are no loaders / spinners visible on the page), the page loaded test allows you to specify when the crawler should decide that your page has finished loading / rendering and to return a snapshot of the rendered dom at that time.

The current crawler driver is passed to the lambda to allow querying of the current page's dom state.


The max time the crawler should wait before returning a response


The configured google ajax crawler driver used to query the current page state. Presently there is only one driver (now taking pull requests!); CapybaraWebkit


How often (in seconds) to test the page state with the configured page_loaded_test


What response headers shoudl be returned with the dom snapshot. Default headers specify the content-type text/html


All free - Use, modify, fork to your hearts content... See LICENSE.txt for further details.