Module: Gluttonberg::Library::QuickMagick::OperatorsAndSettings

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Constant Summary collapse


InstanceMethods Image operators supported by ImageMagick

alpha auto-orient bench black-threshold bordercolor charcoal clip clip-mask clip-path colorize
contrast convolve cycle decipher deskew despeckle distort edge encipher emboss enhance equalize
evaluate flip flop function gamma identify implode layers level level-colors median modulate monochrome
negate noise normalize opaque ordered-dither NxN paint polaroid posterize print profile quantize
radial-blur Raise random-threshold recolor render rotate segment sepia-tone set shade solarize
sparse-color spread strip swirl threshold tile tint transform transparent transpose transverse trim
type unique-colors white-threshold

adaptive-blur adaptive-resize adaptive-sharpen annotate blur border chop contrast-stretch extent
extract frame gaussian-blur geometry lat linear-stretch liquid-rescale motion-blur region repage
resample resize roll sample scale selective-blur shadow sharpen shave shear sigmoidal-contrast
sketch splice thumbnail unsharp vignette wave

append average clut coalesce combine composite deconstruct flatten fx hald-clut morph mosaic process reverse separate write

methods that are called with (=)

%w{alpha background bias black-point-compensation blue-primary border bordercolor caption
cahnnel colors colorspace comment compose compress depth density encoding endian family fill filter
font format frame fuzz geometry gravity label mattecolor page pointsize quality stroke strokewidth
undercolor units weight
brodercolor transparent type size}

methods that takes geometry options

%w{density page sampling-factor size tile-offset adaptive-blur adaptive-resize adaptive-sharpen
annotate blur border chop contrast-stretch extent extract frame gaussian-blur
geometry lat linear-stretch liquid-rescale motion-blur region repage resample resize roll
sample scale selective-blur shadow sharpen shave shear sigmoidal-contrast sketch
splice thumbnail unsharp vignette wave crop}

Methods that need special treatment. This array is used just to keep track of them.

%w{floodfill antialias draw}

Image settings supported by ImageMagick

  adjoin affine alpha authenticate attenuate background bias black-point-compensation
  blue-primary bordercolor caption channel colors colorspace comment compose compress define
  delay depth display dispose dither encoding endian family fill filter font format fuzz gravity
  green-primary intent interlace interpolate interword-spacing kerning label limit loop mask
  mattecolor monitor orient ping pointsize preview quality quiet red-primary regard-warnings
  remap respect-parentheses scene seed stretch stroke strokewidth style taint texture treedepth
  transparent-color undercolor units verbose view virtual-pixel weight white-point

  density page sampling-factor size tile-offset