Gem Version


Ruby gem for generating Gloomhaven characters and ability decks.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gloomhaven'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gloomhaven


Basic useage


Create a Gloomhaven::Deck @deck object to create a standard 20-Gloomhaven::Card modifier deck.

require 'gloomhaven'

@deck =
=> #<Gloomhaven::Deck>

# shuffle the deck to start
=> 20

# draw some cards
=> #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>

# check the deck size, it's decreased
=> 19

# Let's bless and curse the deck
# Note that blessing/cursing a deck will automatically reshuffle the remaining (undrawn) cards.

# confirm we added two new cards
=> 21

# let's shuffle the deck again and return the first card we drew

# final count of a shuffled deck w/ 1 bless, 1 curse
=> 22

# and let's look at the cards
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack -2", @attack=-2, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Bless", @attack=0, @crit=true, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Curse", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=true, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +2", @attack=2, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack -1", @attack=-1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack -1", @attack=-1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack -1", @attack=-1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack -1", @attack=-1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack -1", @attack=-1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Null", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=true, @rolling=false, @shuffle=true>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="2x", @attack=0, @crit=true, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=true>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>


Create a Gloomhaven::Player @player object. Includes attribute tracking for player#gold, player#xp.

@player = 'Mindthief', name: 'Ratteo')
=> #<Gloomhaven::Player @name="Ratteo" @gold=0 @xp=0>

# check / set gold
=> 0 = 10
=> 10
=> 10

# Note: can do the same attr setting w/ @player.xp

New players have a default, 20-card attack modifier @deck object. @players can also add valid perks of class Gloomhaven::Perk to directly modify their deck.

=> #<Gloomhaven::Deck>

# Basic starting attack modifier deck comes with each player
=> 20

# Default characters don't have any perks
=> []

# If we add perks, it will directly modify the deck
# Let's remove two -1 cards
 => [#<Gloomhaven::Perk:0x007fc6918989b0 @key="remove_two_minus_one_cards", @description="Remove two -1 cards", @adds=[], @removes=[{"card_name"=>"Attack -1", "count"=>2}]>] 

# And confirm the perks
=> [#<Gloomhaven::Perk:0x007fc6918989b0 @key="remove_two_minus_one_cards", @description="Remove two -1 cards", @adds=[], @removes=[{"card_name"=>"Attack -1", "count"=>2}]>] 

# Finally, the deck should have two less cards because of the perk.
=> 18

# Perfect. Let's just double check the cards directly
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="2x", @attack=0, @crit=true, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=true>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +0", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +1", @attack=1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack +2", @attack=2, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack -1", @attack=-1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>, # <-- Note we only have 3x -1 cards now
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack -1", @attack=-1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack -1", @attack=-1, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Attack -2", @attack=-2, @crit=false, @miss=false, @rolling=false, @shuffle=false>,
  #<Gloomhaven::Card @name="Null", @attack=0, @crit=false, @miss=true, @rolling=false, @shuffle=true>