Gem: gk-application

Gem Version

A simple framework for creating applications in Ruby

An instance of GK::Application allows you to easily mange your Ruby application's state, with minimal fuss. Supported states are :starting, :running, :stopping and :stopped.

Install with gem

Quick installation with gem:

gem install gk-application

Get started with a new project

Need a project template? No problem:

ruby -e 'require "rubygems"; require "gk-application"' -e ''

Or using irb:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require 'gk-application'
=> true
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> quit

And you'll have a brand-new my_app.rb ready to go in the current folder!

Here's what an application looks like

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'gk-application'

my_app =

my_app.on_starting = proc {
  puts 'Starting.'
  my_app.state = :running

my_app.on_running = proc {
  puts 'Running.'
  my_app.state = :stopping

my_app.on_stopping = proc {
  puts 'Stopping.'
  my_app.state = :stopped

my_app.on_stopped = proc {
  puts 'Stopped.'

my_app.state = :starting