
This is a merge driver for Git that resolves trivial parts of merge conflicts in a db/structure.sql file of Rails.

Currently only PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 dump formats are supported.


Run this:

$ gem install git-merge-structure-sql

And enable it yourself in your Git configuration, or let it do that for you by this command:

$ git-merge-structure-sql --install

This adds necessary settings to your ~/.gitconfig/$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config and the default gitattributes(5) file to enable the merge driver for structure.sql files.


Once enabled, Git should call this driver as necessary when it needs to merge changes made in structure.sql.


See for the version history.


Copyright (c) 2018 Akinori MUSHA.

Licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. See LICENSE.txt for details.

Visit the GitHub Repository for the latest information.